Nail Crystals: Types, Application Techniques, and Care Tips for Sparkling Nails

Nail art has been in vogue for a long time, and with the advent of new technology and innovation, the possibilities are endless. One of the popular nail art embellishments is nail crystals. These sparkling and shiny crystals add a touch of glamour to your nails and elevate your look. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about nail crystals, including their types, application techniques, and care tips.


Types of Nail Crystals

Nail crystals come in different types, shapes, and sizes, giving you plenty of options to choose from. Here are some of the popular types of nail crystals:


Rhinestones are the most popular type of nail crystals. They come in different shapes, including round, square, teardrop, and oval, and in various sizes. Rhinestones are usually made of glass or crystal and have a flat bottom with a pointed top.

      Swarovski Crystals

Swarovski crystals are high-quality, precision-cut crystals that are renowned for their brilliance and shine. They come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes, including round, teardrop, square, and heart.


Pearls are a classic and elegant option for nail crystals. They come in different sizes, shapes, and colors and can add a touch of sophistication to your nails.

      Metal Studs

Metal studs are a trendy option for nail crystals. They come in different shapes, including square, round, and triangular, and are available in gold, silver, and rose gold finishes.


Application Techniques

Nail crystals can be applied to your nails in various ways, including:


The most common way to apply nail crystals is with glue. Apply a small amount of nail glue to the back of the crystal and place it onto the nail. Press down gently and hold for a few seconds to ensure it sticks.

      Nail Art Pen

A nail art pen is an excellent tool for applying nail crystals. Simply dip the pen into the glue, pick up the crystal, and place it onto the nail.

      Pick-up Tool

A pick-up tool is a small, pointed tool that makes it easy to pick up and place small crystals onto the nail. Apply a small amount of glue to the end of the tool, pick up the crystal, and place it onto the nail.


Care Tips

To ensure your nail crystals last longer, follow these care tips:

      Avoid Hot Water

Avoid exposing your nails to hot water, as it can cause the crystals to loosen and fall off.

      Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Avoid using harsh chemicals, such as nail polish remover or cleaning products, as they can damage the crystals and cause them to lose their shine.

      Use Topcoat

Apply a layer of topcoat over the crystals to protect them from damage and ensure they last longer.


WowBao Nails nail crystals are a versatile and stylish option for nail art. With the different types, shapes, and sizes available, you can create endless designs that will elevate your look. With the proper application and care techniques, your nail crystals will stay in place and add sparkle to your nails for longer.


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